#FlashTag: Encampment

#FlashTag: Encampment

Monologging.org invites you to help create collaborative flash fiction. The following picture-inspired story, needs to be completed by Saturday, August 1st. Every day, different authors around the world will be selected to contribute the next line. Find out how to submit your twist to the evolving plot by visiting the #FlashTag Submission Guidelines… Submit Free!


Photo by Jeffrey F. Barken



#FlashTag: Encampment


#FlashTag @monologging  The army officer kicked the cans. “Damn it,” he said. “We’re too late.”

#FlashTag@ “Check every room! They’ve got to be here.” The room is dark, only a ray of sun shining through the window.

#FlashTag@ Three things happen at once. The sliver of light disappears, someone screams and everybody starts shooting.

#FlashTag@ A bullet bit the officer’s neck. He held the wound. Blood pumped between his fingers. He fell to his knees.

#FlashTag@ With his good arm, the officer crawled to a better vantage point. Men fell on both sides.

#FlashTag @itsjaykyall laughter echoed, shrill & splintered.


Think you’ve got the next line to the story? Submit your #FlashTag response via Submittable!

Need a little help getting started? Click here to read: #FlashTag Examples