A Distance

Poetry by Guenevere Kimber & “Gravesend” Photography by Seldon Hunt


The earth spreads unbroken beneath me,

as untamed seas lap relentlessly at my feet,

I plant my steps around flowers

of blue and green, and the sun

glitters and shines brightly;

as the clouds drift to a land unseen.

A sunset falls upon the ground in 

leaves: reds, oranges, yellows, greens.

The branches strike, defiantly up towards

a dim lit sky, in a foreboding, yet soft

misty scene.

Silver tones of frost and snow sparkle,

reflecting a lost sun; shards of ice

cling to abandoned ledges, faded grass

succumbs to a cold icy death. Hail

drums on rooftops and roads,

streets that flow with slush.

A common thrush sings sweetly 

somewhere in a distance.

A distance from colorful spring. 





Guenevere Kimber started writing at the age of 8, but was already a complete lover of books as early as 3 years old. Now 14, she continues to write more every day, especially poetry, in hopes of being a published author. She currently resides in Grand Rapids, Michigan, but she is lucky to have a home in Northern New Mexico as well.




Seldon Hunt is an internationally regarded graphic designer and illustrator, whose immediately recognizable work has become the visual language of the new generation of contemporary avant-rock. His album covers, posters and merchandise designs have been featured in numerous publications and he has exhibited his hyper-detailed kinetic artworks around the world. He has also designed large-scale external graphics and communication systems for award-winning contemporary architectural projects. Follow him on Instagram @seldon_hunt_art