Allied Editors 4
– Monologue by C. Travis Webb –
The Allied Editors series of recordings threaded throughout Monologging’s Autumn, 2020, “Metanoia” themed issue, arose from our outreach to other publications. In our quest to celebrate the work of artists and writers across diverse platforms and to spotlight unique creative processes, our team recognizes the esteemed editors who select content and dutifully provide the wanting polish to any worthy piece, are absolutely integral to publishing. Without their devoted efforts there is no curation or meaningful discourse. Undoubtedly, all outlets of publishing have come under enormous strain in this momentous year. Thankfully, our colleagues persevere. As a testament to their courage, please enjoy our four featured editor’s monologue remarks, as they reflect on some of the most moving and or timely pieces they’ve encountered in 2020.
C. Travis Webb
C. Travis Webb, PhD, is a former Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, and Interim Editor of the American Academy of Religion’s online book review forum, Reading Religion. He was the 2012 recipient of the Claremont National Scholarship, and his essay “Trespassing Scriptural Boundaries: Secularism, Specialization, and the Humanities,” is included in Refractions of the Scriptural: Critical Orientation as Transgression. His most recent peer-reviewed article is in the March, 2018 issue of JAAR, and he is currently at work on the book, The Imagined World: From State’s Rites to Religious Rights. Dr. Webb’s non-academic writing has appeared in the Huffington Post, Salon, and the OUP Blog, and his creative work has been displayed at the Tate Modern Museum in London as part of an experimental exhibit Image-Music-Text. A Founding Board Member of the Institute for Signifying Scripture, he has contributed to the institute’s online journal,The Gumbé, and its print journal The Abeng. He and his wife Molly Webb founded CultureHum Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation, in 2014, hoping to bridge the gaps in American civic culture. They believed that although extremes of wealth and poverty are harmful to the social fabric, cultural inequities are far more dangerous to American civil society. Understanding that empathy is the indispensable ingredient in a plural, democratic society, they set out to strengthen it. Dr. Webb is also editor of The American Age, the foundation’s most direct attempt to influence American public discourse.