Allied Editors 6
– Monologue by Greg Gerding –
Continuing a tradition we began in our Autumn, 2020, “Metanoia” themed issue, the Allied Editors series arose from our outreach to other publications. In our quest to celebrate the work of artists and writers across diverse platforms and to spotlight unique creative processes, our team recognizes that the esteemed editors who select content and provide the wanting polish to any worthy piece, are absolutely integral to publishing. Without their devoted efforts there is no curation or meaningful discourse. Undoubtedly, all outlets of publishing have come under enormous strain these past two years. Thankfully, our colleagues persevere. As a testament to their courage throughout our fraught epoch, please enjoy the monologue remarks of our featured editors, as they reflect on some of the most moving and or timely pieces they’ve encountered in 2021.

Greg Gerding is the Publisher of University of Hell Press and the Editor-in-Chief of The Big Smoke America. He is the author of eight books and lives in Portland, Oregon. (Portrait of Greg Gerding by photographer Dean Davis for his Pictures of Poets project.)