#FlashTag: Time Warp

#FlashTag: Time Warp

Monologging.org invites you to help create collaborative flash fiction. The following picture-inspired story, featuring artwork by Monologging artist, Michael Hassoun, needs to be completed by Saturday, September 5th. Every day, different authors around the world will be selected to contribute the next line. Find out how to submit your twist to the evolving plot by visiting the #FlashTag Submission Guidelines… Submit Free!

Photograph by Michael Hassoun

Photograph by Michael Hassoun




#FlashTag: Time Warp


#FlashTag @monologging The wind picked up.

#FlashTag @onthesidetreas1 “Hard to think” the wind continuously blowing, the air & sky filling with gas. People are losing their minds.

#FlashTag@ Eli closed his eyes. Sand streaked rewind, blurring yesterday, weeks ago, months & years, as decades curved past.

#FlashTag@ Eli reached out, grasping at memories. He paused at Mama making cookies. This was before flour was hard to come by.

#FlashTag@ The air smelled sweet. The blur ceased to whirl. Eli’s Mama continued her work without noticing his presence.




Think you’ve got the next line to the story? Submit your #FlashTag response via Submittable!

Need a little help getting started? Click here to read: #FlashTag Examples