Allied Editors 2

– Monologue by Taylor Byas

The Allied Editors series of recordings threaded throughout Monologging’s Autumn, 2020, “Metanoia” themed issue, arose from our outreach to other publications. In our quest to celebrate the work of artists and writers across diverse platforms and to spotlight unique creative processes, our team recognizes the esteemed editors who select content and dutifully provide the wanting polish to any worthy piece, are absolutely integral to publishing. Without their devoted efforts there is no curation or meaningful discourse. Undoubtedly, all outlets of publishing have come under enormous strain in this momentous year. Thankfully, our colleagues persevere. As a testament to their courage, please enjoy our four featured editor’s monologue remarks, as they reflect on some of the most moving and or timely pieces they’ve encountered in 2020.


Taylor Byas


Taylor Byas is a Black poet and essayist. She currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio where she is a second year PhD student and Albert C. Yates Scholar at the University of Cincinnati studying poetry. She is also a reader for both The Rumpus and The Cincinnati Review, and the Poetry Editor for FlyPaper Lit. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in New Ohio ReviewThe JournalGlass PoetryBorderlands Texas Poetry Review, Hobart, Pidgeonholes, The Rumpus, and others. She has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes, Best New Poets 2020, six Best of the Net nominations, and is the 1st Place Winner of the 2020 Poetry Super Highway Contest.